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The Dungball Express podcast

Jan 27, 2020

Conductor-Soloist David Lee Johnson and Pianist-Psychologist Susan Johnson climb aboard the Express for a fascinating discussion of the psychology of creativity and performance, including dealing with rebellious musicians, overcoming stage fright, young lives ruined in kindergarten and how to win friends by calling...

Jan 20, 2020

In another installment of their "bootcamp" series, Harry and Donald deal in practical methods for getting your new year's writing projects off to a great start.  From planning to goal setting and even dealing with writer's block, leave it to the guys to guide you through the literary maze.

Jan 13, 2020

On season two's premiere episode, Donald and Harry share their plans for a unique online University with a curriculum tailor-made for the discriminating media professional.  What better way to launch a career than by matriculating at Dungball U?